How did you technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

In the research stage, the main technology I used was the internet to research short films, genres, conventions and so on. The internet helped my to get a cohort of research together to create a successful short film, including the right conventions and picking the genre I felt that fit me. I also used technology such as power point to analyse film posters, which meant I could get conventions for my film poster and article. By analysing film posters such as 'Gone Girl' as this film is an action film and I felt that I needed more knowledge on the conventions of film posters.
PlanningFor my planning, I used a lot of power points and microsoft words to create plans for what I would do for my short film. On word I created a check list on what I needed to do and planned out how I would do it. Also, the power points I made were to plan out things such as fonts, colour schemes etc.
A key aspects was the use of slideshare, which I created a power point on genres which was a part of my planning as as a result of this I was able to chose what genre I wanted to do.
Genre ideas slideshare
ConstructionThe main piece of technology I used for my short film was adobe elements which I used to edit, crop and enhance the sound. With adobe elements, I was able to put my clips into chronological order and then edit them to make the film flow effectively. With the use of adobe elements, I was able to make my film look and play how a short film would, without the use of adobe elements my film would just look like a bunch of clips that has been put together.
For my article and film poster, the main piece of technology I used was Microsoft publisher, which was the piece of software I used to create both of my ancillary tasks. With the use of Microsoft publisher I was able to use fonts of my choice with a colour scheme that I felt was suited to my genre. On publisher, I was also able to crop and edit my photo to make it look suited to my poster.